Monday, March 7, 2011

What Blogging Should be.

I really do not like it when teachers give the class something to write about. I personally think that you should write anything you want to write about. Use your imagination.... just keep it pg :) Because you never know when a little kid will read it.... yeah. When i say "write about anything you want" dont say "oh heyyyy guys.... whats up... im blogging right now........" i mean... write about your weekend or something your excited about.. Like hannahs batmitzfah im so excited.... im going with emma, livvy, caroline, and cary. Yes so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thats what you should do. Or like the teachers can say "okay talk about animals" instead of "talk about pandas." They should give us a variety. Blogging is kind of about letting for feelings go..

Monday, February 28, 2011


Okay. so the oscars was on last night. All the people looked so fancy. Natalie Portman won an award for her amazing acting abilities in the Black Swan. There was also awards for Inception, with leonardo decaprio, King Speach... and others that i cant remember. It was really funny at the beginning there was this little video with Ann Hathaway. It made me laugh... :) This really old guy came on stage... he was like 90 something years old.. he wasnt in a wheel chair. And he could still talk with people understanding him. I didnt watch the whole entire thing, but when a lady from the fighter won (i believe she was the mother.) she dropped an F bom.. hahaha.. The inception won tons of awards.. for best screenplay and stuff. Thats all i remember.. Okay bye..!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

egypt News

The military of Egypt is taking down tents from the protesters in Tahrir Square. The soldiers and protesters faught, but the process was pretty peacfull. They told the protesters to leave, but some refused. They can take down the tents, but so much still needs to be done. Traffic returned for the first time in 2 weeks. They protested for 18 days.

Monday, February 7, 2011


packers won... yay? i dont really care... anyway. This weekend was awesome. i went to the lisc dance then had a sleepover.. jakes party then had another sleepover. Then i went to kashmir with livvy. there were these really weird donuts soaked in syrup.. they were good though. Then we recorded glee, im am watching it today!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

giraffes are pretty cool.

here is a really fat giraffe.. haha... :)
Giraffes are one of my favorate animals..
they have really long necks. I dont really know anything else about giraffes. But ill look it up..
1. Giraffes are Africas tallest mammal.
2. They are most active in the early morning.
3. They eat leaves.. flowers.. etc..Okay here is a picture of a normal giraffe..

This is a giraffe shoe.. haha... i would NOT wear that..
but you have to admit its really cool.
I wonder were they sell that?
This is sooo cute! Its a baby giraffe. awww..!
okay im done talking about giraffes for now! BYEEE!

Monday, January 24, 2011

i dont know what im doing.

this is a whale,
whales are cool.
so this is what blogging is like, well okay.. im going to talk about my weekend.
we had people over to watch a football game, it was weird because no one actually watched it. they just hung out in our basement. oh, and then they went sledding and this creepy 50 year old guy followed them around...  he was pushing my brother and his friends down the hill, and they got really creeped out. They ran away, and he rode his  bike after them. um, wow, creeper. Well, other then that nothing really happened. i texted people.. and went shopping. yay :) the next lisc dance is febuary 4th. yeah, lisc dances are really loud, and sometimes annoying. But i go anyway. This is really random. ugh im bored. k bye. ??