Monday, January 24, 2011

i dont know what im doing.

this is a whale,
whales are cool.
so this is what blogging is like, well okay.. im going to talk about my weekend.
we had people over to watch a football game, it was weird because no one actually watched it. they just hung out in our basement. oh, and then they went sledding and this creepy 50 year old guy followed them around...  he was pushing my brother and his friends down the hill, and they got really creeped out. They ran away, and he rode his  bike after them. um, wow, creeper. Well, other then that nothing really happened. i texted people.. and went shopping. yay :) the next lisc dance is febuary 4th. yeah, lisc dances are really loud, and sometimes annoying. But i go anyway. This is really random. ugh im bored. k bye. ??

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